The "MERN" vibe

I been around the block and its depressing

There are countless nomber of Courses on the the web effeciently teaching the same thing over over and over again. I am tired of it. I am tired of it :(

Every other youtube tutorial is failing or is outdated Have you ever tried to follow

a tutorial on youtube and every other step is failing. and you spend too long connecting your database to your server? Do you ever have some cors error because and you cant figure out a way to fix it? I have been there. Too many times :(.

I am tired of the same old same old is there a way out? No? atleast you have to

stop the madness of watching dumb tutorials and start building your own projects.

My strategy read the docs, read the docs, read the docs??? more seriously understand

each part of the your stack. What do you mean?? Every time someones ask you why did you use XYZ you can clearly explain why you used it and not just because some 10 years old stuff online told me to use it.

Deploy your junk Deploy your junk. Deploy your junk. Deploy your junk. every time

you build something deploy it. It will help you you might not like it but when someone asks you what you have built you can show them. Also it will encourage yourself to build more on it since its already out there. When should you deploy? Now. Now. Now. Why? imagine you making a car from scartch and you build 99% of it and you try to start it just to see that it doest start. you will be mad have to go back and unscrew every other part to see what wrong.Instead you could have build a little something and test it out. and always have a working version of your "car" or what could become a "car".

But deployement is no free or fun :( its 2024 as for what am writing this there

are coultess platforms that offer a free tier or really cheap

Make Readme so people can understand your junk You might not like it but you may

come back to your project after a long time and you will have no idea what you were doing. So make one so you can get what you were doing and how to get this thing in development mode.

Share your juuk with the world Coding in the vacum is fun you its effectly like

your working in your backyard without anyone knowing or caring about what you are doing. Share your work with the world. You might get some feedback or you might get some help. You never know. You might even get a job with it. Who knows.

The elephant in the room in the last year i went throught many technologies and

i have to say i learnt nothing but also the were all doing the same thing. You might choose X or Y but what matter is how well you know x or y and also how much support both have. You might prefer working with low level primitve like making a webserver with bun/nodejs with just the barebone api but if you want to ship something you are on your own when something break;

TLDR: use something and use it to its full pontential before moving to the next shiny thing or even just dont move to the next shiny thing :)